Do You Know The Hidden Costs Of Sleep Loss? When You Find Out – You May Not Want To Pay The Price

Sleep Loss can have devastating impacts on your mental, emotional and physical health.
It can impair brain function and your ability to make quick quality decisions.
When did surgeons become aware it was a good practice to wash their hands between operations?
When did the public become aware of serious health costs of smoking cigarettes?
When did we become aware of the real health cost of obesity or lack of exercise?
Even with documented scientific evidence sometimes it still takes a long time for the word to get out – and a long time after that to change our behavior. Long delays don’t reduce the cost of the destructive practices or behaviors.
What is the biggest blind spot in healthcare and wellness today? Sleep Loss. We are sleeping 2 hours less a day now than a hundred years ago. Not because we need less – but because of our lifestyle and our ignorance of the costs. The economist would say we aren’t aware of the “opportunity costs”.
Our mother knew intuitively that we needed a good night’s sleep to grow up healthy, fit, emotionally balanced, wealthy and wise. Now sleep science has verified what our mother knew all along.
The bottom line is that you likely need between 7 and 9 hours of quality sleep every night to be at your full potential and avoid long term consequences of sleep deprivation. The more we learn about sleep the more it appears to be the primary cornerstone for a life of good health and high productivity.
The real cost of sleep loss is like 9/10ths of the iceberg below the ocean’s surface. We can feel the fatigue, the “hard to get up in the morning” part.
But what we can’t see is the impact on our immune system. Sleep Science shows one poor night’s sleep can lower our immune function up to 70%, with staggering damage and costs to our physical health.
What we can’t see is also the impact on mental sharpness and decision making. A tired brain doesn’t work well in sizing up problems or coming up with solutions – a capacity that’s essential for parents, entrepreneurs, owners, teachers, drivers, managers, brain surgeons (or any doctor) – and the list goes on. Sleep Loss results in competitive disadvantage in all fields. More importantly it ensures that we will never realize our creativity or full potential.
What we can’t see is the impact on our brain – memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s. Our lymph system’s job is to clean our body – but it’s not in the brain. The brain has a separate flushing system that does the cleaning – that’s most active when we sleep. Without the required flushing the residue build up in the brain can contribute to memory loss, Alzheimer’s and dementia. There is sufficient evidence that sleep loss is a significant contributing factor to these problems.
What we also can’t see is the overall impact on mental and emotional health. This is the elephant in the room of mental and emotional health. There is a high correlation between sleep loss and depression. In most cases mental health problems and sleep loss are twins. We can argue about what’s the chicken and what’s the egg – but our experience is that improving sleep patterns results in better mental and emotional health. Emotional fragility, panic attacks, anger issues, relationship problems at home and work, lack of confidence and a general attitude of pessimism are but a few of the effects that we see with sleep loss.
If you need better sleep we have an effective method that you can use that is simple, easy to use and effective. You can get it now – and it’s free.