Wisdom Questions -- Is Anything More Important Than Your Attention?

Is there any way you can possibly understand or have any control over your behaviour --  unless you are aware of your attention – and how you use it?

Rudolf Steiner told his students to adopt this rule for living:  “No idea which has not first been examined shall be allowed to enter my consciousness”

He follows this with “One should occasionally observe how many ideas, feelings and impulses of will live in the soul of a human being, which he adopts as a result of his life-circumstances: his family, profession, nationality, the time in which he lives etc.”

Steiner would have had some interesting commentary on our obsession with social media today – as well as other media that targets our attention 24/7.  For many – the phone is the gatekeeper to their attention.  Marketers have long understand that they must win the battle for our attention if they are to influence our behaviour.

We know that all the thoughts, ideas, feelings, impulses that we entertain in our being shape and generate our lives – our life experience.  In this sacred ground within –  all the thoughts, ideas, impulses that we allow in -- are the seeds that take root and grow into our life experience.

Constant gardeners of our soul soil is what we are called upon to be – 24/7 gardeners, if we are to have a say in who we are and what we become and do.

The idea that we can get some quick fix – that’s going to have a permanent effect without daily (or in some cases hourly) nurturing – is just not the way life works.

Robert Theobald always encouraged his students and readers to “Live in the Question”.  The question contains the seed of the answer – and the deeper questions generate the best seed .

This is the first step of a series of Questions to help us all be better – do better – become better.  We will be taking teachings given to us by a wide variety of evolved souls – writing a short summary of the teaching – and then framing questions to help you engage in the teaching on a more personal deeper level.

Complete this short "Attention Profile" -- and based on your profile we will get back to you with some ideas, thoughts, suggestions you may want to experiment with.
