Master Stress Naturally For Deep Inner Peace Workshop - Plus Bonus --- Sonic Treatment for Stress

This is a special 3 module workshop that we created to manage stress and anxiety. With everything that's been happening over the past two years - over 90% of the population is experiencing high stress levels. Prolonged stress shuts down the immune system which impairs mental, emotional and physical health as well as clear thinking and productivity.
When you register for the workshop you will also get a bonus (of equal value to the workshop) the Sonic Treatment for Stress program (and if you already have this program - you get to pick any one of over 50 Sonic programs). The 3 session workshop plus the Sonic program make a powerful combination to transform stress into deep peace and higher quality responses to day to day challenges.
"If it ain't broke - don't fix it" is a good rule of thumb. But - what if it's broke and you don't know it -- aren't aware of it. We are seeing this a lot now with high stress levels -- especially from all of the events in the last couple of years from covid - fires - heat domes - floods, climate change warnings -- and all the spin off effects. When stress increases incrementally - it's frequently not in awareness - unless stress is extreme. We all know that high stress levels reduce wellness and quality of life - and if it's out of awareness -- there's no need to fix it. That's one problem -- the second is - stress addiction. Stress generates cortisone -- and cortisone can become addictive. When this happens then thoughts and behaviors generate stress to produce the cortisone becomes habitual. And this is another big problem.
One way to assess your stress level is to check on your "Inner Joy" level. An inner state of joy is often the result of being in a relaxed natural state. High stress levels shut down inner joy. What's your experience?
What You Get In Mastery Stress Workshop
1. Understand what it is and the quickest ways to get out of stress.
2. Self Assessment to Replace Harmful Habits with
Beneficial Habits
3. Sonic Treatment to calm every cell -- every system - you will receive this before the Workshop begins.
4. Log Book - track progress to improve habits and be
Accountable to yourself and your support community
What We Cover in Each Section
1. How the Brain Functions in Stress State and Relaxation State. How thoughts and breathing affect stress levels.
2. Building Confidence that Stress can be Transformed with Advanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
3. Inner Exercise - Shifting Out of Linear Mind and Into Intuitive Mind. Learn new skills for a lifetime of Balance
4. Sonic Healing Treatment Transforming Anxiety to Inner Peace
Transforming Stress & Anxiety Response into Deep Inner Peace
Why Is This Important for Me
● When in Fight Flight Freeze (FFF), access to our rational mind is diminished - can’t make good
decisions - can’t think clearly - unable to plan and get work done
● When in FFFreeze - the immune system is depressed -- blood pressure increases -
heart is put under stress, increasing chances of heart attack and stroke
● Habitual Anxiety and Long Term Stress - cancels happiness, vision & hope
● Not able to access our core Self - wisdom, intelligence, guidance, inner knowing
● Mental Health compromised, relationships deteriorate, more anger, less patience
● Unable to live in the present -- living in the past in fear, or in the future in anxiety
● Often unable to get sleep required for good health, positive mood and energy
Transforming Stress & Anxiety Response into Deep Inner Peace
Why Is It Important?
● When in FFFreeze access to rational mind is diminished - can’t make good
decisions - can’t think clearly - unable to plan and get work done
● When in FFFreeze - immune system is depressed -- blood pressure increases -
heart is put under stress increasing chances of heart attack and stroke
● Habitual Anxiety and Long Term Stress - cancels happiness, vision & hope
● Not able to access our core Self - wisdom, intelligence, guidance, inner knowing
● Mental Health compromised, relationships deteriorate, more anger, less patience
● Unable to live in the present -- living in the past in fear, or in the future in anxiety
● Often unable to get sleep required for good health, positive mood and energy
Workshop Details
1. This Workshop consists of 3 modules - Module 1 is Tues Dec 7, 1 pm PST (4 pm EST), Module 2 is Dec. 10 - 1 pm PST (4 pm EST), and Module 2 is Dec 14 - 1 pm PST (4 pm EST) - Approx 90 min each
2. You will get zoom links prior to each workshop - and replays will be available shortly after each workshop.
3. Handout materials will be made available prior to workshops.
Your Workshop Facilitators are Marilee and Dr. Duncan Goheen - with over 60 years of combined experience teaching, training, healing and pioneering unique effective methods focused on personal and spiritual growth, transformation and healing.