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Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts

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How do you currently nurture your spiritual side?

You can choose more than one option

Regular meditation or prayer.
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Spending time in nature or engaging with its energy.
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Reading or studying spiritual or self-development texts.
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Seeking connection with a higher power or guides.
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I’m not sure where to start, but I’m open to learning.
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When faced with challenges, what do you rely on most?

Choose the answer that best suits you

Inner strength and intuition.
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Advice from mentors, spiritual leaders, or trusted friends.
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A connection to divine or universal energy.
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Grounding activities like journaling or walking in nature.
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I tend to feel stuck and unsure how to move forward.
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What do you feel is your biggest spiritual strength?

Choose the answer that best suits you

Compassion and service to others.
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A strong connection to intuition or inner knowing.
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Faith and trust in the divine or universal flow.
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An eagerness to learn, explore, and grow spiritually.
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I’m just beginning to uncover my strengths.
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Which intuitive abilities resonate most with you?

Choose the answer that best suits you

Feeling others’ emotions deeply (empathy/clairsentience).
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Receiving insights through sudden knowing (claircognizance).
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Seeing images or visions during dreams or meditation (clairvoyance).
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Hearing internal words, phrases, or messages (clairaudience).
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I’m unsure, but I’m curious to explore this further.
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I feel deeply connected and often find peace and clarity in natural settings.
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I appreciate nature but don’t spend much time outdoors.
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I feel inspired or healed by elements like water, trees, or animals.
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I’m curious about deepening my connection with nature.
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I believe that everything in nature is conscious and alive.
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I haven’t thought about this much but would like to explore it.
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Finding peace and balance in daily life.
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Healing past wounds and embracing forgiveness.
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Connecting with higher realms, guides, or angelic beings.
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Discovering my true calling and purpose.
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Living in alignment with my calling and purpose.
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- I embrace it with excitement and curiosity.
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I navigate it with caution but remain open to growth.
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I seek guidance or support during transitions.
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I struggle with change but am working to trust the process.
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I often feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start.
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Are you currently facing any major challenges in your life?
If yes, feel free to share briefly below

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Do you feel a calling toward a cause, mission, or purpose that you are drawn to fulfill?
If yes, please describe your vision or what drives you

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Are you currently a therapist, healer, or professional in the helping field who is looking to enhance your effectiveness and expand your skills?

choose the answer that best suits you

Yes, I’m a therapist, healer, or practitioner actively working with clients.
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Yes, I work in a helping profession and want to develop additional skills.
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No, but I’m interested in learning more about this field.
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No, this doesn’t apply to me.
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