Marilee’s Multidimensional Therapy Course 202

Thank you for your interest in becoming a more effective guide, coach, and therapist for yourself, your family, and your clients. I appreciate the enthusiastic response.

Welcome to a unique multidimensional system.

I share decades of experience gained from my higher self, invisible higher holy teachers, and by collaborating with therapists and clients of all ages. I offer complex systems in a step-by-step format to help you cognitively learn to increase and enhance your intuition through concrete methods, enabling you to better help clients.

As a result, you will provide them with a deeper understanding and inner safety as they transform limiting belief systems and expand their choices and horizons.

I review basic counseling premises, physical anatomy, invisible etheric anatomy, and introduce inner dimensions that help understand and mature the ego by introducing and conversing with inner spiritual aspects, light beings, and soul guidance.

Building your understanding, skill, capabilities, and confidence as your clients improve relationships with themselves and others will be exhilarating. In addition, you will be accessing and growing your intuition to reach your full potential.

I teach you how to use clairvoyance and telepathy to assess and guide your clients, leading them to access inner higher worlds for transformation, healing, and clarity in spiritual knowing, inner peace, and their deeper purpose.

Marilee’s Multidimensional Therapeutic Course 202 consists of eight modules.

Each module is a ninety-minute online seminar with weekly home reading assignments from her Rising Sun book series and a daily self-evaluation checklist.

Also, a live hosted Q&A on the course materials covered each week.

This course focuses on live, active, experiential understanding and inner processes.

202 Course Cost

1,297 cdn


Early Bird before Jan 16                                                   997 cdn


Discount for Course Launch 50% off                                497 cdn