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Get High Value Tips on How to Master Stress Naturally


GlobalHealthify has  Proven Step by Step Formulas on Exactly How to regain and maintain great physical, mental & emotional health and  improve your decision-making, work life, personal life, relationships, sex life and achieve your goals.

What’s More Important for your Good Health and Wellbeing

Healthy Diet




Stress Mastery

Stress Mastery

Sleep Mastery

Sleep Mastery

They are all important – but the two essential building blocks required for good health, peace of mind and high performance - that are most frequently ignored are
Stress Mastery and Sleep Mastery
We Have The Tools, Training and Support to Remedy That Right Now

Breakthrough for Mastering Stress Naturally Without Pills or Medications

Better Natural Sleep Treatment

Imagine that you have just hired one of the best stress mastery specialists on the planet -- available to you 24/7 for the rest of your life.

This is what you are getting in the Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment program for Mastering Stress and Anxiety - at home, at work, anyplace, anytime.

Helping you keep your cool, manage your emotions and remain relaxed throughout the day.

You will no longer feel overwhelmed and out of control. You will know how and when to use this for each situation. It’s a game changer for your health and quality of life.

Breakthrough for Mastering Stress Naturally Without Pills or Medications

Imagine that you have just hired one of the best stress mastery specialists on the planet -- available to you 24/7 for the rest of your life.

This is what you are getting in the Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment program for Mastering Stress and Anxiety - at home, at work, anyplace, anytime.

Helping you keep your cool, manage your emotions and remain relaxed throughout the day.

You will no longer feel overwhelmed and out of control. You will know how and when to use this for each situation. It’s a game changer for your health and quality of life.


Breakthrough for Mastering Stress Naturally Without Pills or Medications

ecover-immune-boost-2 copy

Imagine that you have just hired one of the best stress mastery specialists on the planet -- available to you 24/7 for the rest of your life.

This is what you are getting in the Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment program for Mastering Stress and Anxiety - at home, at work, anyplace, anytime.

Helping you keep your cool, manage your emotions and remain relaxed throughout the day.

You will no longer feel overwhelmed and out of control. You will know how and when to use this for each situation. It’s a game changer for your health and quality of life.

What People Say

(After sessions using the Sonic Pranic Program for Stress)  “When I was finished I felt transformed, although I can't say how exactly. I feel like I've connected with a part of myself that I had become separated from-and I feel whole again. It was a transformative experience, although I can't articulate how exactly. It's almost like not knowing you're unwell, and then being healed and upon being healed finally realizing just how bad it was and how lacking in awareness you were of how unwell you were. That's the closest description I can think of.” 

B.D. Edmonton, Alberta

I have been very stressed out and depressed lately.  Not sleeping well.  Overwhelmed, always tired and low energy.  I am now sleeping much better and now able to manage much better.  Stress levels are down and depression ok now.  Thank You  -- M.B.

The Goheens’ are amazing healers. I live in Ontario and they live in BC.  Over the phone and with distant treatments Marilee helped me a decade ago with Pranic Healing and coaching to recover from surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.  I still practice many of her tools. At that time I also used Duncans’ Sonic Pranic treatment and their Spirit Awakens CD daily for a few months, after which I enjoyed good health with strenuous outdoor physical activity for over a decade.

Patricia, Toronto

I put the Sonic tracks 3,4,5 on a loop and played it over night. I have had 2 nights of completely uninterrupted sleep. Typically I wake many times a night and often wake at 4:00am and toss and turn until I get up feeling tired. I am feeling great after 2 nights of great sleep. I feel light. I am happy, have a very low stress/ concern/ worry level. My head feels clear and my ability to focus has already improved. I slept 8.5 hours each of the last 2 nights. I feel great! Thank You. -- K.B.  (using one of our proprietary tools)

 I got seriously ill about 3 months ago.  Haven't been able to get a good night's sleep since.  Now after two weeks in the program I'm sleeping soundly every night. Thanks a million.  -- DH

Get High Value TIps on
How to Master Stress Naturally
