SPECIAL OFFER To Combat Viruses
Boost Your Immune System Now
Naturally - Without Pills or Medication
It's Your Best Defense Against Harmful Viruses
Marilee & Dr. Duncan Goheen
From Marilee and Dr. Duncan Goheen, Kelowna, BC Canada
Dear Friend,
We are offering this special reduced price in light of the current outbreaks of the Corona Virus COVID-19. There are currently no vaccines available. Recent reports are saying that it's not if but when the virus will spread.
The good news about this virus is that many people who are infected do not get sick. The bad news is that many people who are infected do not get sick. They carry the virus and pass it on to others unknowingly. That's why the USA CDC (Center for Disease Control) is saying that it can no longer be contained. When infection occurs about one in five persons get sick. The health of the immune system is a major factor in determining whether the sick person will recover.
It is why we are making this Immune Boost program available at a price everyone can afford.
But first, why this may not work for you.
This is not a magic pill that you can take once and it will boost your immune system for the rest of your life. There are simple and easy steps that you need to follow. Everyone can do these steps.
You may have doubts about whether this will work for you. As you take the steps and experience positive changes in your health, energy level and mindset your confidence will then replace your doubts. It has happened over and over again as we developed and tested the program over the past 30 years.
We know this program works. But if you are unable to suspend your disbelief and take the steps, then it is not for you.
So with that understood ... let's jump right in and show you ...
Would you like to experience it now? This is a 3 minute sample of Immune-Boost Sonic Harmonics. Take a minute - Relax - Clear Your Mind - Close Your Eyes - Imagine Your Favorite Place in Nature - Listen to the Track - Wait a minute - Smile -- Be Aware of Changes in your Thoughts, Feelings and Body.
Exactly What You're Getting
Imagine for a moment that you have just hired one of the best practitioners on the planet to:
1) clean and remove energy that is negatively impacting your immune system so all parts of your immune system can do what they are designed to do.
2) balance and energize your energy centers (chakras) and energy field so your immune system can function effectively to prevent and eliminate harmful viruses and bacteria.
And imagine that your practitioner is full time -- all the time -- available 24 hours a day - every day - every place -- for the rest of your life.
This is what your are getting in this Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment program for boosting your immune system so you can not only live a healthy full live but be able to help others who are not as healthy.
You will also learn to keep your cool, manage your emotions and remain relaxed throughout the day.
Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment for Boosting you Immune System Naturally is a powerful program, use it as often as you like, anytime, anyplace. It cleans, balances and energizes your energy centers and energy field. It works on the causal level - on the subtle energy level to keep your immune system in top shape.
The sonic program works like an "energy shower" to help clean your energy field from unwanted energy -- energy that can impair your immune system making you vulnerable to diseases that are preventable.
After cleaning -- it then works on balancing your energy centers and all aspect of your immune system to regain and maintain good health.
As part of the balancing process it also energizes your energy field, energy centers and entire immune system so it can function effectively. As you use the program your confidence in the process will increase bit by bit and it becomes an invaluable resource in living a full, productive life.
This is different than anything you may have tried in the past and it does work when you follow the routine -- just take the steps.
Everything in the program has been tested and proven and is working right now.
If you are short of time you can follow the steps in just a few minutes every day. Obviously - the more you put into it the quicker you will see results.
A weak immune system can be the cause of many issues resulting in low energy and vulnerability to many sources of sickness or disease. It can also result in mental or emotional health issues from continuous physical health problems.
The times we are living in are a wake up call telling us that putting off steps we can take to strengthen our immune system is no longer an option. It really can be a life or death issue.
Here's a fraction of what you're getting... Use the Sonic Pranic Treatment Program To:
And much, much, more!
Scientific Evidence of Impact of Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment
This video shows the results of a 50 minute Sonic Pranic Treatment on the physical, mental and emotional levels of a person using sophisticated light photon capturing equipment. The results are dramatic. Over the past decades Dr. Goheen has developed Sonic Treatment protocols for a wide variety of physical, mental and emotional health issues. These treatments are now available in MP3 format and can be used any time they are needed. Many cases studies are on file attesting to the effectiveness of the Sonic Treatments.
But you know what you'll really love?
Lifetime Use!
When you download this program to your phone, tablet or computer or make a CD for your player - you have the program for the rest of your life. It's available to use anytime that you want to use it.
And it's not like going for a professional treatment and having to pay for each additional treatment. After you buy the program - every treatment is free - no additional cost. You will find it's the best value ever.
Here's What To Do Next
"The "cost" of this Sonic Pranic program for Boosting Your Immune System Naturally is $198. (you can get it now for 85% off for $29.70). It's a one time cost - that's it - no ongoing payments.
As soon as you place your order, you'll get a receipt along with a link and instructions to download the program. It's a simple, easy process.
You can start using the program immediately. There's some suggestions included on how to use the program to get the best results. The benefits will surprise and perhaps amaze you.
We encourage you to share your successes with us and how the program has helped you master and enhance your immune system naturally.
Oh, and in case you're wondering ...
There Is No Catch!
You Get to download the Sonic Pranic program to Boost Your Immune System Naturally immediately upon sign up. This is a full energy treatment program. There is no limit to the number of treatments you can get.
Why Do We Do This?
We know that the value far exceeds the price.
We want as many people using these programs as possible so we've set the price at a level that everyone can afford.
Another reason we have set the price so low is that we have additional Sonic programs such as Sonic Pranic for Sleep, Sonic Pranic for Stress, Sonic Pranic for Migraines etc. We know that when you use Sonic Pranic treatment for the Immune system you will love it. And if you have additional needs you will want to check out what else we have available including our courses and treatment programs.
Our hope is that you'll love our programs and this will be the start of a good relationship for years to come.
Why Should You Start Now?
Two Reasons:
If you don't take steps to build a strong immune system now - it may not be able to protect you when you need it most. Now is the time to get started and start enjoying the many benefits of a healthy, strong immune system. And doing it Naturally.
And if you act right now - you can get it for 85% off.
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. We look forward to speaking with you soon.
Marilee and Dr. Duncan Goheen
P.S. In case you're one of those people who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:
1. We are offering you a Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment Program to Boost Your Immune System that you can use as often as you like, anyplace, anytime on your phone, tablet or computer. This has been developed over the past 30 years and has a proven track record of success.
2. You have this for a lifetime of use. There is no catch to this offer -- your $29.70 gives you access to all the above for a lifetime.
Get this proven solution to Boost Your Immune System Now to Help Prevent Serious Illness.
You will be happy you did.
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